EORTC - European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer

UTP - Union des Transport Publics et Ferroviaires

L’Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires (UTP) est le syndicat professionnel, regroupant les entreprises de transport public urbain de voyageurs en France et de transport ferroviaire.

La RATP et la SNCF sont également adhérentes.


Principales missions :

L'UTP assume :

The Hub Brussels

The Hub is a space-based and online community for change makers to access the knowledge and tools they need to build solutions for social and environmental impact. Located across 5 continents and locally in the heart of Brussels, the Hub provides sustainably designed coworking spaces, events focused on social innovation and professional tools that help members reach their goals faster, surrounded by a community that makes everyone smarter and more effective. 

EWP - European Water Partnership

Page in extremis

Belgian Communication Agency based in Brussels, founded in 1994.

  • Multi-lingual team.
  • Message-driven communication.

We advice, create and develop:

AKF - Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of private, international, non-denominational agencies founded by His Highness the Aga Khan. The Network's organisations have individual mandates that range from the fields of health and education to culture, rural development and the promotion of private-sector enterprise. AKDN is dedicated to improving living conditions and opportunities for the poor, without regard to faith, origin or gender (About: www.akdn.org)

ESA - European Seed Association

EMF - European Mortgage Federation

Launched in 1967, the European Mortgage Federation is the representative at EU level of the mortgage loan product, bringing together national banking associations and individual mortgage lenders from the EU Member States. Our overarching aim is to ensure a sustainable housing environment for EU citizens.

Deutscher Bundestag

The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany

The German Bundestag is the national Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its seat is the Reichstag Building in Berlin. In the current electoral term, Parliament is composed of 622 Members. This is the 17th electoral term since the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949.


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