Peter Childs

Established in 1986, Peter Childs Ltd recruits Public Relations and Government Affairs professionals.

Our clients include major companies, specialist consultancies, public sector organisations and charities. We handle roles at all levels, from Executive/Officer to Director/Managing Director.

We offer both database and executive search.


Hanson Search

Hanson Search is a leading executive search and selection consultancy specialising in all areas of communications and strategic consultancy serving the UK, European and global markets. We help clients achieve their goals through supplying high calibre professionals in the areas of public relations, public affairs, advertising, branding, market research, and strategic consultancy. Hanson Search specialises in mid to senior level placements across permanent and interim requirements.

Ford Webb Associates

Ford Webb Associates is an executive search firm that provides a unique blend of top-level management consulting and strategic search capabilities. Our role and contribution to the search process extends far beyond that of a typical recruitment firm and is distinguished by the emphasis we place on organizational analysis, strategic assessment and client counsel before the recruiting begins and throughout the process.

Korn/Ferry Futurestep

Futurestep is a Leading Global Provider of Strategic Talent Acquisition Solutions

Fluctuating market demands. Evolving business strategies. Changing workforce needs. These are challenges faced by talent leaders across all industries today. As a Korn/Ferry Company, Futurestep helps companies around the world meet these critical needs and apply immediate and long-term approaches for improving all aspects of talent acquisition. Our website: www.futurestep.com


At Publicitas we understand Media. The Publicitas unites the know-how and experience of more than three dozen media sales companies of PubliGroupe. It stands for specialized know-how in an innovative, service oriented unit. Publicitas is developing from a traditional Swiss print marketer to an internationally active «allmedia» sales company.

AAL Association

The AAL Association (AALA) is implementing the AAL Joint Programme (AAL JP), a European R&DI funding programme in collaboration with 23 Partner States and the European Commission.

The objective of the AAL JP is to enhance the quality of life of older people and strengthen the industrial base in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), by e.g. funding close-to-market projects. The basis for this collaborative programme is Article 185 (previously 169) of the EU Treaty.

AIC - Association of International Consultants

AIC provides Consultancy Companies with Highly Qualified Experts for short-, medium- and long-term assignments on a very short notice when bidding for tenders of national and international agencies like World Bank, USAID, EBRD, European Commission, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, etc. AIC is also providing directly these International Agencies with experts.

SRI Executive Search

The SRI Group was founded in 1997 with a distinctive vision of service, specialisation and knowledge across human resources . We service both the sourcing of specialised personnel and also the building of capability in a company, team or individual.

Perrett Laver

Our vision is to influence society through the identification of a new breed of leaders for a changing world.

We do this by connecting some of the world’s most influential and vibrant organisations with some of the world’s most dynamic leaders – connections based on a common set of values and a shared vision for the future.

In this section you can discover more about our take on the new leadership challenge along with our unique response to it, underpinned by our philosophy of search without borders or boundaries. 

ICMP - International Confederation of Music Publishers


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