ECHA - European Chemicals Agency
Company Description
Would you like to join our team?
Several job opportunities will be available for talented people. The staff of the Agency is expected to grow from 100 to over 400 persons in 2010. The first vacancies were published in February 2007 and the recruitment process is currently ongoing.
The Agency staff manages the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances manufactured, imported, and used in the EU. In addition, the staff provides the Member States and the EU Institutions with high-quality scientific and technical advice on chemicals and assistance to Member States and registrants. The staff also manages software tools and databases to support the tasks involved with REACH legislation.
If you are interested in joining our staff in Helsinki, check this website regularly for new job opportunities. We will need the contribution of leading experts in chemicals and chemicals regulation, IT, law, HR, finance and general administration.
Interested in procurement opportunities?
The Agency publishes calls for tender in the areas of services, supplies, works and buildings matters. The rules governing ECHA procurement are described in the Framework Financial Regulation for Agencies of the European Union (No. 2343 of 23/12/2002). All the information on the calls for tender will be available on this website.
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