The Nickel Institute

The Nickel Institute is a nonprofit organization that represents the interests of 24 companies which together produce more than 90% of the world’s annual nickel output. The Institute was established on January 1, 2004, through the merger of the Nickel Development Institute (NiDI) and the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA).



EURid, the European Registry of Internet Domain Names, manages the .eu top-level Internet domain under contract to the European Commission.


The main office is located just outside of Brussels, Belgium. Regional offices are located in Stockholm, Sweden; Pisa, Italy; and Prague, the Czech Republic. EURid employees provide online and telephone support in all official EU languages to around 900 accredited registrars worldwide who offer .eu domain registration services.


Ge Energy is one of the world's leading suppliers of power generation and energy delivery technologies in all areas of the energy industry including coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy as well as with renewable resources such as water wind solar and alternative fuels.

GSA - European GNSS Supervisory Authority



European Flavour & Fragrance Association


ENHA does not solely focus its activities on changing political priorities. Aiming further than this, the Alliance is dedicated to implementing change across Europe. In order to achieve this, ENHA strives to serve as a bridge across professional and sectoral divides and to unite and support physicians and other health care professionals, hospitals, healthcare managers, health insurers, industry, advocacy institutions, and policy-makers in the fight against malnutrition.



EuroSafe, the European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, is the network of injury prevention champions dedicated to making Europe a safer place.


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