IHEDN - Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale

The Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd

ISE - Initiative for Science in Europe

The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) is a common platform formed by independent member organisations representative or supportive of the research communities of Europe. Its mission is to increase the visibility and impact of the scientific community in the public and policy-making arenas, to advance research and to promote the contribution of scientists to European society. 


Eurodesk is the main provider of information on European policies and opportunities for young people and those who work with them.

ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group


The European Heating Oil Association (Eurofuel) represents the national organisations that promote the use of heating oil for domestic heating in 10 European countries, including over 10 000 companies. Eurofuel is engaged in the promotion of existing and innovative techniques for heating oil and equipment, in the domestic market. In this way, our members are committed to ensuring the competitiveness and efficiency of heating with oil, while also reducing its environmental footprint. 

The objectives of Eurofuel are to:

ECDPM - European Centre for Development Policy Management


Edenred is the world leader in transactional solutions for companies, employees and merchants, with business volume of more than €26 billion generated in 2017, of which 78% through digital formats.


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