AMBER Alert Europe

AMBER Alert Europe, the European Centre for Missing Children, is a foundation that strives to improve the protection of missing children and to prevent children from going missing by empowering them and raising awareness on the issue of missing children and its root c

EU needs to finally take responsibility for migrants at risk

Commenting on the tragic boat accident in the Mediterranean, near Lampedusa, which has left at least 82 migrants dead, Green migration policy spokesperson Ska Keller said:

GIE appoints Thierry Deschuyteneer as new GIE Executive Secretary

The GIE Board has unanimously appointed Thierry Deschuyteneer as new GIE Executive Secretary as of 1 October 2013. Thierry Deschuyteneer has worked for more than 10 years for Fluxys in technical and regulatory departments. In this function he followed closely the European regulatory developments and European energy policy initiatives. During the last 3 years, he chaired the GIE Communication & Strategy Task Force and acted as Vice-Chair of the GasNaturally initiative.

The Amrop Partnership SCRL

thetris - THEmatic Transnational church Route development with the Involvement of local Society

Schengen: more movement with more security for European citizens. Carlos Coelho MEP

Following today's agreement between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament on the functioning rules of the Schengen free movement area, Portuguese MEP Carlos Coelho said: “With the approval of the new Schengen Evaluation System, we are improving the protection of the freedom of movement and reinforcing the security of European citizens.”

The system is innovative because it:


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