20th European Health Forum Gastein

Wed, 10/04/2017 - 10:30 to Fri, 10/06/2017 - 21:00

20th European Health Forum Gastein

Event description

The European Health Forum Gastein is the most important health policy event in Europe and a meeting point for experts from different fields within the health system. It differs greatly from other events which are generally focused on very specific areas. The EHFG aims to highlight the overarching policy topics.

Health in All Politics - a better future for Europe

European Health Forum Gastein

EGVIA workshop on project results - Heavy Duty trucks

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 11:00 to 17:30

EGVIA workshop on project results - Heavy Duty trucks



EGVIA will organise a workshop on European project contributions to CO2 reduction in Heavy Duty Trucks in Brussels. 

From 9.00 to 15.30, three different sessions will present the results of EU funded projects on Heavy-Duty Trucks:

Reminder: The GSMA presents its report

Mon, 05/08/2017 - 19:00 to 20:30

The event will take place on 8 May 2017 from 17h00 to 18h30
at the Brussels Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, Brussels

EIB - European Investment Bank

EIB - European Investment Bank

FES - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

EBA - European Banking Authority

EBA - European Banking Authority


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