Consultancy ToR

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03 Jan 2025

Call for Consultant for the development of a study/policy briefing on achieving Save the

Children’s Breakthroughs through the Next EU External Funding Instrument(s)


Save the Children’s Breakthrough Objectives—ensuring children survive, learn, and are protected— require robust policy and financial support to be implemented throughout the world. Since many years, the EU has been among the global biggest aid donor, supporting Save the Children in reaching its strategic objectives by promoting children’s rights, including access to education, fighting against malnutrition and protecting children in humanitarian context.

The EU’s Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) and the launch and implementation of the Global Gateway initiatives have significantly influenced global health, education, and child protection investments. As the EU prepares its next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2028–2035, there is an opportunity to shape priorities to align with Save the Children’s goals.

Key objectives:

The policy briefing is expected to respond to three key objectives:

Key objective 1: To produce actionable recommendations for aligning the next EU external funding instrument(s) with Save the Children’s Breakthrough Objectives, focusing on child survival (health and nutrition), education, and protection priorities.

Key objective 2: To highlight examples of existing successful partnerships between the EU and Save the Children Members and Country offices and to show the impact and the added value of EU’s partnership with Civil Society Organizations.

Key objective 3: To support advocacy efforts both at Brussels level and at capitals-level to influence the next MFF proposal and the negotiation process.

Scope of work

The consultancy will be conducted in two phases:

Phase 1: Desk Review and definition of methodology for the development of the policy briefing (X working days)

Objective: Identify and analyse existing information on the implementation and impact of the NDICI, HUMA and the Global Gateway initiative, with a focus on investments in health, education, and child protection.

Key Activities:

  • Review relevant literature on the implementation and impact of the current NDICI thematic and geographic programmes, as well as annual humanitarian implementation plans.
  • Assess the Global Gateway's priorities and investments (with a specific focus on the 360 degrees approach to human development), particularly in health and education sectors.
  • Examine external literature and case studies on the effectiveness of EU funding mechanisms in advancing child-related outcomes.
  • Identify gaps and lessons learned from the current funding cycle.
  • Define the methodology and content of the policy briefing


A review of findings, including:

  • Overview of NDICI, Global Gateway and EU humanitarian funding instrument's impact on child health, education, and protection.
  • Identify gaps in the existing available literature and the relevant entry points/added value for Save the Children
  • Lessons learned and challenges in implementing current EU funding instruments.

The terms of reference for the policy briefing, including:

  • Exact methodology
  • Content
  • Workplan, including how many days will be needed to develop the document

Phase 2: Research, analysis and compilation of recommendations (exact number of working days to be defined after the end of the phase 1)

Objective: Develop a set of policy recommendations to influence the structure and priorities of the next EU external funding instrument.

Key Activities:

  • Conduct additional research on policy/programming gaps identified in the first phase of the work
  • Identify opportunities for aligning the next EU funding instrument with Save the Children’s

Breakthrough Objectives

  • Map Save the Children's successful initiatives that have counted with the support of the EU
  • Engage with Save the Children staff members to ensure alignment with advocacy priorities.
  • Draft actionable recommendations tailored to the MFF 2028–2035 planning process.


A policy briefing (10–15 pages) including:

  • Summary of key findings from desk research
  • Recommendations for the next EU external funding instrument, focusing on:
    • Strategic alignment with child survival, education, and protection objectives.
    • Financial and programmatic prioritization of health, education, and protection investments.
    • Advocacy strategies for influencing EU decision-makers.

Thematic focus

  • Child Survival: looking into child health, Reproductive Maternal Newborn Children and Adolescents Health (RMNCAH) and child nutrition
  • Education
  • Child protection

Research Methods

To be further developed with the selected consultant.

Mix of baseline research, quantitative and qualitative research on policies and funding, including interviews with key stakeholders (EU + NGOs) on challenges and opportunities


The consultancy is foreseen to start on the 20th of January 2025. The distribution of working days among the two phases of the consultancy is flexible, while the policy briefing needs to be completed, and the final product delivered by 20th of March 2025.

The draft timeline should also include regular check in meetings with Save the Children Europe staff to ensure alignment and agreement on the final product.

Required expertise and qualifications

  • Sound understanding of EU development policy and funding mechanisms, with a specific focus on NDICI, HUMA and Global Gateway.
  • Proven experience in research, policy analysis and advocacy within the field of children’s rights. Existing expertise on child survival, education and child protection would be considered an asset.
  • Ability to develop a robust research methodology, including quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Proven experience in producing high-quality written reports, including policy briefs, research reports, and case studies, for diverse audiences, including policymakers, NGOs, and international organizations
  • Excellent written communication skills in English, with the ability to produce well-structured, compelling reports and case studies. - Fluency in English is essential.


Interested applicants should submit their proposal, including:

  • A written proposal, outlining the methodology, work plan and detailed budget, including the estimated number of days per deliverable and daily rate in Euro.
  • CV
  • Supporting documents (for ex. writing samples of similar/relevant work) to by Friday 3rd of January.


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