Programme Assistant (Translation), Moldova

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

21 Oct 2024

Place of work: Chisinau, Moldova

Employment rate: 100%

Start date: November 2024 or shortly thereafter

Contract Type: 6 months with the posibility of extension

About the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR)

ICAR is a specialist centre of the Basel Institute on Governance that works with countries around the world to strengthen their capacities to recover stolen assets. Particular emphasis is placed on hands-on mentoring to assist practitioners from law enforcement and prosecution authorities to conduct financial investigations, develop suitable strategies for the prosecution of corruption and economic crime offences and to identify, restrain and confiscate proceeds of crime. ICAR also supports legislative and institutional reform processes, develops and delivers tailor-made training and works with other international organisations to advance innovation and global policy dialogue on asset recovery.

About our programme in Moldova

ICAR will commence a programme to strengthen Moldova’s “asset recovery delivery chain” in financial investigation, international cooperation and confiscation/asset recovery. This support will primarily be delivered by an in-country Senior Specialist for Asset Recovery, who will prioritise support to anti-corruption partner agencies’ mutual legal assistance (MLA) capability. With an initial inception phase of six months, it is anticipated that ICAR’s engagement with the Government of Moldova anti-corruption partners will result in a longer-term programme of support.

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