HR Expert (CDD or freelance)

Job Category

Job Experience

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Expiration Date

21 Oct 2024
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is looking for a Human Resources Expert for 3 months maximum (CDD or freelance) to help us to finalise a transparent salary scale and to produce a Human Resources manual for our organisation. 

This role requires an experienced, well-organised and reliable person who will work in supporting the well-being of the Secretariat. The tasks expected are the following:

  • Develop a fair and transparent salary scale that will respect both the budgetary constraints of a non-profit association and the attractiveness of the organisation for employees;
  • Produce a Human Resources manual according to Belgian labour law standards;
  • Develop criteria for an appraisal system, update our staff agreement and advise on well-being practices and measures.
  • To initiate the drafting of a comprehensive well-being policy.

For more details about the role and how to apply, please visit EWL's website here. Application deadline has been extended until Friday 18 October.

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