Senior Associate - Gas Regulation

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

15 Oct 2024

The Associate will provide expertise and professional experience to help guide RAP’s work in Europe and to deliver policy and technical assistance to governmental and industry decision-makers. The position requires the ability to think critically and develop thoughtful recommendations based on careful comparative analysis; it also requires excellent writing abilities and strong working proficiency in English. The individual would need to engage with Government regulators and policymakers on gas issues at the highest levels. The senior associate will join a talented team based across Europe and have opportunities to contribute to RAP’s work in the United States, China, India and other places. Please note this role is contingent upon respective grant award.


  • Coordinate and grow RAP’s currently quite small gas programme in Europe. This includes overall strategic direction, coordination of specific deliverables and fundraising;
  • Study, monitor and analyse governance, policy and regulatory developments in areas relevant to RAP’s work. These areas include policies to phase out fossil gas infrastructure in Europe with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and innovative regulatory practices associated with gas infrastructure. This will require the ability to quickly understand and distill complex topics to make recommendations for policymakers in the form of policy briefs, reports and presentations;
  • Work with the program director, team members and others in substantive strategic and project planning and outreach to government agencies, regulatory bodies, power and gas enterprises, and nonprofit advocacy organizations;
  • Write original policy and technical briefs, undertake critical analysis, prepare reports and present findings;
  • Provide continual, substantive engagement and leadership on various initiatives and work closely with partner organisations, European and national government agencies, and other institutions to build capacity;
  • Engage in outreach activities. This may include organising or participating in conferences and workshops for high-level decision-makers, making presentations, networking and identifying opportunities for engagement with relevant stakeholders.

If you’re interested in this opportunity, we want to hear from you! Please view the complete job description at and send your cover letter and résumé to by 15 October 2024.

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