Communication & Policy intern

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

23 Sep 2024

CAOBISCO is the Association of the Chocolate, Biscuits & Confectionery Industries of Europe. We represent more than 14,000 European chocolate, biscuits and confectionery manufacturing companies, 99% of which are SMEs. The sector is a major player in the European economy, with over 280, 000 direct employees and an annual turnover of over €59 billion.

We are looking for an Intern to join us for a period of 3 months (starting asap). The intern would provide support for the organisation of a Congress taking place in November and give support to the Secretariat on topics related to policy issues in Sustainability, Economic Affairs and Regulatory Affairs. The responsibilities include:

Communications responsibilities

  • Provide support in the coordination of the CAOBISCO 2024 Congress (such as RSVP’s, badges, collecting Biographies, coordination with panellists and moderator, etc.).
  • Manage CAOBISCO’s social media activities prior and during the Congress.
  • Support in the maintenance of the CAOBISCO website and intranet.
  • Prepare and design communication material needed based on content transmitted by other managers.

Policy responsibilities

  • Help to prepare and participate in meetings and events.
  • Conduct background research and prepare analysis on relevant policy dossiers.
  • Monitor political and policy developments in Brussels affecting our sector.
  • Attend and report on conferences, events and seminars organised by the Commission, Council,Parliament and other stakeholders.


The intern reports directly to the Director General.



CAOBISCO is looking for a public affairs profile preferably with:

  • An academic background in European affairs, politics, international relations or similar,
  • General knowledge and interest in the EU, its processes and policies
  • Solid communication skills and a desire to develop a personal network in Brussels
  • Verbal & written fluency in English
  • Past experience in event management considered a plus



  • The opportunity to work in Brussels at the interface between industry and politics
  • Insights into the confectionery world
  • A 3-month traineeship that provides a good platform for embarking on a career in EU affairs


Contact details

To apply please send your CV to Muriel Korter, Director-General,


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