Public Affairs Officer

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

16 Sep 2024

Growing Media Europe AISBL is looking for a Public Affairs Officer to join the secretariat in implementing our public affairs strategy, including a strong engagement in the policy aspects of our research projects. The candidate will be working pro-actively on EU Policy with a focus on external communication, while also helping with membership management and office administration.

About us

Growing Media Europe AISBL is an international non-profit organisation representing the producers of growing media and soil improvers at European level. The association has 25 company members from 14 European countries representing 75% of the European substrate market. A vital pillar of modern horticulture, growing media are indispensable for providing Europe with healthy food, urban green, large-scale afforestation, and ornamental flowers in the most resource-efficient way. Our main objective is to promote optimum legislation for the manufacturing, use and free trade of growing media, offering tailor-made solutions to both professional growers and hobby gardeners. Representing a highly innovative front-running sector, we are constantly building our scientific knowledge which serves as the guiding core of our activities.

Key responsibilities

  • Follow and analyse relevant EU regulatory developments
  • Draft reports, position papers, presentations, press relases and LinkedIn posts
  • Grow and strenghten the association´s network with political decision makers and other relevant stakeholders
  • Represent the association in external stakeholder & institutional meetings
  • Support the Science Coordinator in managing and participating in research projects
  • Lead internal working groups, in close cooperation with our members
  • Help with office management and administrative tasks


Required qualifications

  • At least one year of relevant work experience in EU policy
  • University-level education, preferably in a related field
  • Good knowledge of the EU Institutions and legislative processes
  • Ability to understand and summarise EU policy information
  • Pro-active “self-starter” with collaborative mindset
  • Excellent organisational skills with ability to multitaks and work under deadlines
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in English; other EU languages are an asset
  • Solid computer literacy skills (MS Office, website management)



  • Exciting position with immediate responsibility in a European political environment
  • Unlimited full time contract under Belgian law
  • Salary dependent on experience and qualifications
  • Workplace Brussels with limited traveling within Europe
  • Starting as soon as possible



For more information and to apply for this position, please send your CV and accompanying motivation letter before 1 October to Cecilia Luetgebrune at


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