EU Project and Policy Officer

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

04 Jul 2024

Read here the full job ad

Efficient Buildings Europe is looking for an entry level dynamic person to take on the role of EU Project and Policy Officer at its Secretariat in Brussels.  The successful applicant will join a small team and will be expected to rapidly take responsibilities related to their role and the work of Efficient Buildings Europe and its Renovate Europe Campaign (REC).

Some of the duties and activities

  1. Project Management
  • Representing the organisation in projects, such as EPBD.wise on the implementation of the EPBD.  This will include coordinating input from REC national partners as sub-contractors and translating the challenges and opportunities of EPBD implementation at national level into relevant insights for EU level policy work.
  • Ensuring the technical implementation and administrative management of the projects.
  • Co-planning and implementing dissemination and communication actions related to the projects.
  • Co-organising and facilitating technical workshops, project meetings, and dissemination events, engaging with EU and national level stakeholders.
  1. Policy Work
  • Assisting the Head of EU Policy through research, position paper drafting, and meeting preparation.
  • Ensuring the exchange of best practices on the delivery of EU energy policies through meetings with the national partners of the REC.
  • Assisting with the organisation and running of meetings of the Work Group Implementation under the supervision of the Head of EU Policy.


This is a call for applicants for a full-time post.  It will be a contract of employment under Belgian Law and only applications from persons legally entitled to work in Belgium will be considered.

The successful applicant can expect an annual gross salary in the range of €28,000 to €34,000, depending on previous experience, with benefits such as a group pension, health insurance, lunch vouchers, mobility allowance, and eco-cheques.


Send your CV, motivation letter and the names and contact details of two referees that can be contacted during the recruitment process before 12h00 on the 8th of July 2024 by e-mail to with in CC.

Please put Application for EU Project and Policy Officer as the subject line of your application.


Do not forget to mention that you found this job ad on the Euractiv Jobsite!

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