Projects & Alumni Relations Trainee

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

28 Jun 2024
Who are we?
AEGEE / European Students’ Forum is one of the biggest youth organisations in all Europe, present in over 160 cities in 40 countries. AEGEE empowers students and young people in Europe to take an active role in society. The organisation aims to create a space for dialogue and learning opportunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-makers. 
Who are we looking for?
We are currently looking for a full-time (38 hours/week) Projects & Alumni Relations  Trainee to work together with us in our head office in Brussels in the implementation of grant-based projects in the fields of active citizenship, civic education, intersectionality, (digital) activism and sustainability. Additionally, the Projects & Alumni Relations Trainee will be working on researching institutional and corporate funding opportunities. 
Main tasks:
  • Research on grant opportunities, assisting the board and the Project Officer with project drafting and implementation (grant writing, logistics and content);
  • Seeking new relevant funding opportunities, potential donors and corporate partnerships;
  • Communication and assisting in the fostering of the alumni relations and engagement. 
  • Assisting in the general project management (overview, communication, narrative reporting, etc.);
  • Organise and create dissemination events and activities in our network;
  • Communication and cooperation with partners and stakeholders (other NGOs, European institutions).
Application procedure:
  • Send your CV along with a motivation letter or video to and write as subject “AEGEE Projects & Alumni Relations Trainee” [Your name & surname(s)]”;
  • For all questions, please contact
  • Deadline to apply: 29th of June 2024 at 23:59 CEST
  • For more information, please refer to the job opening on our website (
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