Job Category

Job Experience

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Expiration Date

11 Oct 2024

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the Security Authority Department is looking for a Registry Control Officer (RCO), who will be entrusted with the following main tasks and responsibilities (or relevant subset):

  • Maintain the registry of EU Classified Information (EUCI): by ensuring that (re)production, receipt, dispatch, archiving and disposal of every copy of each document marked CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL and above are recorded in the register, including:
  • Establish a database of classified documents (CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET UE/EU SECRET) and enforce the access rules;
  • Mark and register classified documents (both paper and digital formats);
  • Assign, pack, distribute, dispose and archive classified documents according to the Agency Security Rules (equivalent to the European Commission’s Security Rules; for Management of Classified Information (Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2015/444) and the relevant internal policies;
  • Periodically conduct an inventory of classified documents and review the need to maintain the classification of information or to destroy the relevant documents;
  • Assist other team members during security inspections;
  • Advise staff on the handling of EUCI;
  • Act as a courier for classified information, when needed;
  • Support the maintenance of the legal framework for handling and exchange/sharing of EU Classified Information;
  • Support the development and the maintenance of EUSPA contingency plans;
  • Support the monitoring of the physical security of the communications infrastructure, network assets and database infrastructure for indications of internal or external violation of the system;
  • Ensure that good security practices are enforced at all times at the Agency’s Headquarters, working closely with the Local Security Officer (LSO) and with other departmental teams in resolving potential security issues;
  • Carry out checks on compliances and recommend appropriate control and rectification measures on non-compliances in accordance with the Agency Security Rules;
  • Contribute to the implementation of business continuity plans of the Agency in areas related to the main responsibilities;
  • And others…

For more information, visit our website.

Deadline for applications: November 5th at noon, Prague time.


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