EU Senior Production Coordination Manager

Job Category

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

Mon, 02/10/2025

PRACSIS, a European affairs communications consultancy, is seeking a senior production coordination manager to carry out tasks such as:

  • production coordination of print tools in all EU languages (booklets,banners, reports etc)
  • production coordination of virtual tools in all EU languages (web sites, videos etc)
  • coordination of translations in all EU languages

The candidate has at least 10 years of experience as production coordination manager and extensive work experience with European Institutions. The candidate must have at least 10 years of experience in briefing and managing graphic designers/copywriters or any other production suppliers.

It is of outmost importance that the production manager has access to a very reliable network of suppliers (graphists, copywriters etc)

If successful, you will be joining a team of enthusiastic professionals with strong ethics and a full dedication to PRACSIS, its values, clients and projects.


If you match exactly this profile, please send us your CV and cover letter to by e-mail to:


The candidate is expected to start February 15, 2025.

Please note that PRACSIS will only contact selected candidates.

Application deadline: February 10,2025


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