Energy Policy Coordinator - Energy Prices

Job Experience

Job Location

Expiration Date

22 Oct 2024

We are currently seeking a motivated and experienced Energy Policy Coordinator with a focus on energy pricing and a socially just energy transition (full time or part-time, minimum 80% FTE), to be based in Brussels or working remotely from a country within the EU. 

Your tasks: 

  • Policy, advocacy and communications: You are our expert on a socially just energy transition, with a focus on ensuring affordable energy prices, while advancing the energy transition towards renewables and energy savings. You engage in relevant ongoing debates [...]
  • Strategic coordination: You develop an overarching narrative, strategies and tactics in coordination with our members and partners to ensure energy prices for household consumers (and industry) in Europe are affordable, promote the renewable [...]
  • Fundraising and reporting: You contribute to fundraising efforts related to your work areas and regularly report on activities through the CAN Europe reporting  system and for individual projects and grants as required.

For further details, please refer to the job description.

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