ENTSO-E - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

Company Description

We are the European TSOs. We are ENTSO-E.

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity speaks for all electric TSOs in the EU and others connected to their networks, with one voice for all regions, and for all their technical and market issues.

Important Europe-wide planning and operations roles are assigned to ENTSO-E in new European legislation: The Regulation on cross-border exchanges of electricity that will be part of the EU 3rd Energy Package legislation due for second reading plenary voting in the European Parliament in late April establishes the ENTSO for Electricity in order to ensure optimal management of the electricity transmission network and to allow trading and supplying electricity across borders in the Community. The Regulation sees the need for increased cooperation and coordination among transmission system operators to create network codes for providing and managing effective and transparent access to the transmission networks across borders, and to ensure coordinated and sufficiently forward looking planning and sound technical evolution of the transmission system in the Community, including the creation of interconnection capacities, with due regard to the environment.

The European TSOs agree and have founded ENTSO-E ahead of approval and implementation of the 3rd Package. They intend to play an active and important role in the European rule setting process and to push network codes and pan-European network planning forward urgently.

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