Mainstreaming Precision Farming: policy cohesion and partnership
Event Location
Event Description
Yara, the world’s largest producer and marketer of mineral fertilizers, is proud to open the gates of its global Research Centre (Dülmen, Germany) on May 23rd 2017 to demonstrate how far the technology and science has developed in the area of Precision Farming.
Precision Farming - a leading catalyst to more accurate and sustainable farm management practices - emerged as a solution with great potential for the challenges that EU Agriculture faces. It can help address the need for increased productivity and sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaption, environment impact reduction and quality improvement.
However, common strategic direction, policy cohesion and engagement will be essential to reach the highest common denominator to achieve this goal. Given the large diversity of EU Agriculture, all stakeholders need to bring their cards to the table in order to generate ideas and to create a platform for cooperation and mutual stimulation beyond policy, organizational or national boundaries.
How will directorates, governments, companies, farmers and society work together to maximise the potential of precision farming technologies today?
The core of this event will consist of a tour of Yara facilities with live demonstrations of Precision Farming tools supported by a discussion with participants from different EU institutions and Member States as well as agri-journalists.
Monday 22nd, 2017 at 8:30pm : Diner at Hotel Mövenpick in Münster
Tuesday 23rd, 2017: Workshop and Research Centre tour in Dülmen
9:00-10:00 Presentations
o Anke Kwast, Head of R&D Crop Nutrition Centre at Yara
o Louis Mahy, Research Programme Officer, DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission
o Max Schulmann, Chair of the cereals and oilseeds working group at COPA-COGECA
o Richard Burkinshaw, Advisor to the Cool Farm Alliance
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:30 Tour of Yara facilities and live demonstration of Precision Farming tools
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:30 Roundtable - All attendees to participate in group discussion
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:00 Panel discussion - “How to mainstream Precision Farming to transform European agriculture through the CAP?”
o Louis Mahy, Research Programme Officer, DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission
o Ulrich Adam, Secretary General of CEMA - European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association
o Jurgen Tack, Scientific Director at ELO - European Landowners’ Organization
o Tiffanie Stéphani, Director Agriculture & Environment Committee at Fertilizers Europe
16:00-16:30 Closing remarks - Pierre Herben, Executive Vice President Corporate Innovation at Yara
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