ESBG - European Savings Bank Group

Company Description

The European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) is a European banking association that represents the interests of its 26 members vis-à-vis the EU Institutions, with a specific focus on retail banking issues. To this end, it defines and expresses the position of its Members in all matters related to the European financial services industry. ESBG delivers detailed research into the evolution of legislation and the retail banking market in Europe and also compares it with other regions of the world.

ESBG is also a forum for cooperation between its members. It proposes cooperation projects and assists its members in identifying consortium partners on a bilateral or multilateral basis. ESBG also provides technical consultancy in partnership with multilateral agencies and offers training to its members to increase their operational efficiency.

ESBG works in close collaboration with its members via a series of committees and task forces that allow for a permanent dialogue on all topics.

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