EIGE - The European Institute for Gender Equality

Company Description

EIGE is a European agency which supports the EU and its Member States in their efforts to promote gender equality, to fight discrimination based on sex and to raise awareness about gender equality issues.

Its tasks are to collect and analyse comparable data on gender issues, to develop methodological tools, in particular for the integration of the gender dimension in all policy areas, to facilitate the exchange of best practices and dialogue among stakeholders, and to raise awareness among EU citizens.

The Institute's bodies include a Management Board (decision-making body), an Experts' Forum (consultative body) and a Director (executive body) and her staff. The Management Board adopts the annual and medium-term work programmes as well as the Institute's budget. The Experts' Forum supports the Director in ensuring the excellence and independence of the Institute. The Director as the legal representative of the Institute is responsible for its daily management as well as for the implementation of the work programme.

The Institute's budget for the period 2007-2013 amounts to €52.5 million. The Institute will employ approximately 30 staff during 2010 and in the near future plans to recruit seconded national experts to enhance its expertise in the field of gender equality.


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